I'd like to thank everyone who has been a part of my awards at some point!

I'm showing my results here, because there's nothing better than showing where my awards came from.

Achievements are commendable, but showing where they came from I believe is the minimum transparency that I say as a principle.


#theteamportugal #proximounicoeficaz #Furniture #ConsultoriaImobiliária #MercadoImobiliário #InvestmentFurniture #CorretorDeImóveis #SalesReal Estate #ReleaseFurniture #GrowthFurniture #InovaçãoImobiliária #SalesTeam

#raulcaro #consultorimobiliario



#leiria #nazare #alcobaça #saomartinhodoporto #brasil #portugal

#maisconsultores #beiramar #maisconsultorescapital